How to Harness the Power of Social Influence to Transform Your Sales

How to Harness the Power of Social Influence to Transform Your Sales

Humans are social creatures. This we know – it’s the basis of our relationships, our society… and yes, our marketing strategies. But what you might not be aware of is the extent to which we rely on the opinions and actions of others when making our own decisions. I’ll give you a clue: it’s a…

The true test of Great Marketing

The true test of Great Marketing

Marketing is a tool for selling products and services. But like any tool, we can use it for either noble or nefarious purposes. Not all marketing methods are made equal. One might think that the test of good marketing is how effective it is in getting people to do what we want them to do….

Analyze Your SWOT!

Analyze Your SWOT!

How is your business doing? No, how is it really doing? Sometimes we get so caught up in the daily routines of our business that we don’t stop to assess how we’re really doing. Your SWOT analysis is your antidote for that. For instance: ‹ What is currently working well and what is not? ‹…

image of lady telling a brand story

How to captivate customers with brand stories that inspire people to buy

Humans have shared information by storytelling since the beginning of time. Why? Because our brains are wired to respond to stories. This isn’t woo-woo or fluff… this is about science and the evolution of the human race. As humans, what we think, feel and do is the sum of the stories we tell ourselves. So…

Lady thinking about how to write with impact

Are You Writing for Impact?

One thing all entrepreneurs have in common is that we seek to influence others through our writing. We’re constantly asking ourselves questions like: ‹ How can I speak to the needs, drives and longings of my potential clients?‹ How can I convince people that my products and services will benefit them greatly?‹ How can I…

The 42-minute customer persona exercise to transform your business forever.

The 42-minute customer persona exercise to transform your business forever.

Creating a customer persona is one of the most important things you can do to help you market your business well.  Why? Because it’s almost impossible to effectively get your message across if you don’t understand who you’re talking to.  Let’s start by getting clear on what customer personas are.  Customer personas (also known as…

customer with a pain point

How to understand your customers’ pain points: what every marketer needs to know.

It’s hard to overestimate the importance of understanding your customers’ pain points – because if customers don’t have a pain, they don’t have a need. And if they don’t have a need, you won’t have a sale. For the marketer, it’s a case of no pain, no gain. What are your customers’ pain points? Hubspot…

9 things every marketer should know about how the brain works

How to put human psychology at the heart of your marketing…

Every customer is human.  Every human has a brain…. So it makes sense that if, as marketers and business owners we understand how the human brain works, we’ll get better results. Great things happen when you put human psychology in the centre of your marketing What are some psychological factors in marketing? 1. The human brain…

Your customers words matter

How to get customer testimonials that will have prospects flocking to your door 

If you’re not using testimonials in your marketing, here’s the bad news… Customers are sceptical creatures.  Trust in brands is disappearing.  And that’s a problem because you can use all the clever marketing tactics you want, but customers won’t buy from you unless they trust you. But it’s not all marketing doom and gloom. The…

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