Why quit a job you love?
It’s the question so many people have been asking me over the past few months. For 9 years I loved my role at Rodda’s as Marketing Manager. It is a family business with fantastic values, wonderful people that I truly admire, and great products. Why then would I ever consider leaving?
The answer is this.
My answers were:
My children. If they ask, ‘you had a great job with some great experience, so what did you do with that?’ I need to make sure that I have some inspirational answers. (They have already asked this.)
My family. This certainly doesn’t mean working less hours – but having more flexibility to incorporate the needs and wants of those that I love into my daily routine a little better.
Businesses. Regardless of sector, one of the major problems for many is knowing how to transfer the passion they have about their products or services to customers who care. Simplistically speaking this is the role of effective marketing: finding the customers who are likely to be passionate about your product / services; and finding a way to speak to their hearts. I am driven by the desire to help a wider range of passionate businesses to do exactly this, and by doing so, to help them fulfil their potential.
Charities. After working with a local charity, I realised how much value marketing experience can add, by helping them increase the number of benefactors, volunteers and those who the charity aims to benefit. I have pledged 10% of my working week to help such charitable causes in Cornwall.
These are the reasons that I made the difficult decision to become an independent consultant. Of course, I deliberated long and hard, and yes, I know that the route that I have chosen is definitely not the easy one.
How is it going?
Well, in my first month, I have spent more time with my family. I began advising for a charity I care about. I have worked with four new clients (and continued to consult for Rodda’s until my successor takes their place). All are from different sectors, all have very differing needs and in their diversity, and the thing that binds them all? Their need and their passion. I hope there will be many more. That is the reason that I left the role of Marketing Manager that I loved. If you would like to find out more About Me you can do so here.