Why your marketing message should appeal to a caveman
When was the last time you reviewed the marketing message on your website? More importantly, when was the last time you reviewed your website through the eyes of your customer? If there is one thing you do today to improve your marketing results, this is it.
Website viewers are busy; with so many things competing for their attention, they don’t have time to figure out your website’s purpose. They want you to tell them, quickly and clearly.
Does your website pass the “grunt test”?
If a caveman came to your website, would he be able to grunt what you offer within just 3-5 seconds of landing on your homepage? “You build websites. Websites that work. Me book a call.”
Like that caveman, your web visitor should land on your website and be able to answer these three questions:
1. What it is that you offer?
2. How do you make their life better?
3. What do I need to do to buy it?
If within 3-5 seconds your site visitors can’t answer these three things, I can guarantee it’s costing you money. Visitors will simply hit the back button and go to a competitor who is communicating more clarity.
The principle is simple. “People don’t alway buy the best products and services, they buy the ones they can understand the fastest.” (Donald Miller)
Most business owners focus their energy and efforts on getting more traffic to their website.
This is a mistake.
Driving traffic to a website which isn’t going to convert prospects into sales is simply inefficient. The smart move is to clarify your messaging first. This creates higher conversions and will give you more bang for your marketing buck.
If you’re serious about supercharging your marketing efforts, this test shouldn’t just apply to your website. Use the grunt test as a checklist for your email campaigns, your brochures, your presentations, and your proposals. For more tips, read on about the Human Marketing System.
What is an unclear message costing you?
I will send you a short free audit of your website, listing up to five things that you can do to improve your sales quickly and simply. Simply fill out a contact form including the words “Web review” in the message (don’t forget to include the url of the site that you would like me to review). Your review will be sent to you in the next couple of days.